Bazalgette Tunnel Ltd (Thames Water Ltd for the EIA)
Infrastructure, Utilities
Historic building recording, evaluation, geoarchaeological survey, excavation, foreshore surveys
Project Highlights
- Mitigation works at 21 sites along the 25km route
- Input into the largest Environmental Impact Assessment and early surveys carried out
- All three works packages awarded to MOLA Headland Infrastructure
- Programme of public outreach agreed

MOLA Headland Infrastructure was appointed in 2016 to carry out the archaeological mitigation works on the entire length of the Tideway Tunnel construction. The construction of the 25km tunnel marks the consortium’s first Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project.
Archaeologists and other experts from MOLA Headland Infrastructure are carrying out the work in late 2016 and throughout 2017. This includes a series of archaeological excavations, historic building recording, foreshore and geoarchaeological surveys across 21 sites along the River Thames.
Early stage mitigation works are currently underway with built heritage surveys, foreshore surveys and watching briefs undertaken on a number of sites including Chambers Wharf, King Edward Memorial Park, Putney Embankment Foreshore and Carnwath Road Riverside. The archaeological investigations provide a unique opportunity to investigate the development of the River Thames and the influence of human and environmental factors in shaping the river over the last ten millennia.
MOLA was previously involved in producing the Environmental Impact Assessment for the project, the largest planning application in the UK at the time. We produced the Historic Environment chapter, outlining the physical impact of the major infrastructure project on buried and above ground heritage assets. Field evaluation, geoarchaeological boreholes surveys and watching briefs on geotechnical works were then carried out to further clarify the extent of archaeological remains at over 15 sites along the proposed route. The assessments along with the early surveys allowed MOLA to consult with Tideway and their project archaeologists, advising on their mitigation strategy.
MOLA Headland Infrastructure are also liaising closely with Tideway regarding their public outreach, and Tideway are also sponsoring the post of an Education officer for the MOLA-hosted Thames Discovery Programme and to deliver some of the schools elements of the Tideway heritage interpretation strategy.